Pan-European infrastructure for ocean & marine data management

P01 Vocabulary - Facet Search on Semantic Components

P01 Vocabulary - Facet Search on Semantic Components

The P01 Parameter Usage Vocabulary is based on a semantic model. This model uses a defined set of controlled vocabularies (the semantic components). The Facet Search below facilitates you to search for specific existing P01 terms using components for drilling down.

Are you missing specific P01 terms in the vocabulary, then you can compose and submit new terms for review and uptake using the P01 Vocabulary Builder tool.

Conceptid (96)Preflabel
GMWDFA01Direction (from) mean of waves {mean wave direction} on the water body by waverider and computation from 1st order Fourier coefficients of directional distribution of energy, A1 and B1
GMWDKVH1Direction (from) mean of waves {mean wave direction} on the water body by waverider and computation from horizontal co-spectra translation after Kuik et al. (1988)
GMWDWR01Direction (from) mean of waves {mean wave direction} on the water body by waverider
GMWVLG01Wavelength mean of waves (wind sea) on the water body by waverider
GMX1CA01Wave height maximum of waves (in 1-hour period) on the water body by waverider and automated record analysis
GMXHCA01Wave height maximum of waves (in 3-hour period) on the water body by waverider and automated record analysis
GMXHFA01Wave height maximum of waves (in 3-hour period) on the water body by waverider
GMXHMA01Wave height maximum of waves (in 3-hour period) on the water body by waverider and manual record analysis
GMXLCA01Wave level maximum of waves on the water body by waverider and automated record analysis
GMXLMA01Wave level maximum of waves on the water body by waverider and manual record analysis
GNZCVA01Count of waves (zero crossing) per record on the water body by waverider
GPEDFA01Direction (from) at spectral maximum mean of waves on the water body by waverider
GPSPFA01Directional spreading at spectral maximum of waves on the water body by waverider
GSD1VA01Direction (from) mean of waves (swell first component) on the water body by waverider
GSD2VA01Direction (from) mean of waves (swell second component) on the water body by waverider
GSDHVAWRZero-crossing period of waves (highest one third) {significant wave period Ts} on the water body by waverider and down-crossing analysis
GSH1VA01Significant wave height of waves (swell first component) {Hs} on the water body by waverider
GSH2VA01Significant wave height of waves (swell second component) {Hs} on the water body by waverider
GSP1VA01Directional spreading of waves (swell first component) on the water body by waverider
GSP2VA01Directional spreading of waves (swell second component) on the water body by waverider
GSPPTVA1Directional spreading at spectral maximum of waves relative to True North on the water body by waverider
GSPRFA01Directional spreading of waves on the water body by waverider
GSSPWR01Significant wave height of waves (short period) on the water body by waverider
GSZ1VA01Zero-crossing period of waves (swell first component) {Tz} on the water body by waverider
GSZ2VA01Zero-crossing period of waves (swell second component) {Tz} on the water body by waverider