Pan-European infrastructure for ocean & marine data management

P01 Vocabulary - Facet Search on Semantic Components

P01 Vocabulary - Facet Search on Semantic Components

The P01 Parameter Usage Vocabulary is based on a semantic model. This model uses a defined set of controlled vocabularies (the semantic components). The Facet Search below facilitates you to search for specific existing P01 terms using components for drilling down.

Are you missing specific P01 terms in the vocabulary, then you can compose and submit new terms for review and uptake using the P01 Vocabulary Builder tool.

Conceptid (2831)Preflabel
CCOST006Concentration of copper {Cu CAS 7440-50-8} per unit wet weight of biota {Anguilla anguilla (ITIS: 161128: WoRMS 126281) [Subcomponent: liver]}
CCU56008Concentration of copper {Cu CAS 7440-50-8} per unit cell volume of biota {flagellates [Subgroup: autotrophic]} by synchrotron x-ray fluorescence and normalisation from per cell to per cell volume
CCU56017Concentration standard deviation of copper {Cu CAS 7440-50-8} per unit cell volume of biota {flagellates [Subgroup: autotrophic]} by synchrotron x-ray fluorescence and normalisation from per cell to per cell volume
CCU56025Concentration of copper {Cu CAS 7440-50-8} per unit cell volume of biota {Dinoflagellates (ITIS: 9873: WoRMS 19542) [Subgroup: autotrophic]} by synchrotron x-ray fluorescence and normalisation from per cell to per cell volume
CCU56034Concentration standard deviation of copper {Cu CAS 7440-50-8} per unit cell volume of biota {Dinoflagellates (ITIS: 9873: WoRMS 19542) [Subgroup: autotrophic]} by synchrotron x-ray fluorescence and normalisation from per cell to per cell volume
CCU56043Concentration of copper {Cu CAS 7440-50-8} per unit cell volume of biota {Ciliophora (ITIS: 46211: WoRMS 11) [Subgroup: heterotrophic]} by synchrotron x-ray fluorescence and normalisation from per cell to per cell volume
CCU56051Concentration standard deviation of copper {Cu CAS 7440-50-8} per unit cell volume of biota {Ciliophora (ITIS: 46211: WoRMS 11) [Subgroup: heterotrophic]} by synchrotron x-ray fluorescence and normalisation from per cell to per cell volume
CCU56060Concentration of copper {Cu CAS 7440-50-8} per unit cell volume of biota {Bacillariophyceae (ITIS: 2287: WoRMS 148899) - !!Deprecated!!} by synchrotron x-ray fluorescence and normalisation from per cell to per cell volume
CCU56069Concentration standard deviation of copper {Cu CAS 7440-50-8} per unit cell volume of biota {Bacillariophyceae (ITIS: 2287: WoRMS 148899) - !!Deprecated!!} by synchrotron x-ray fluorescence and normalisation from per cell to per cell volume
CD006783Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit wet weight of biota {Cerastoderma edule (ITIS: 80901: WoRMS 138998) [Subcomponent: flesh]}
CD007123Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit wet weight of biota {Ostrea edulis (ITIS: 79885: WoRMS 140658) [Subcomponent: flesh]}
CD010361Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit wet weight of biota {Spisula solidissima (ITIS: 80944: WoRMS 156996) [Subcomponent: flesh]}
CD010362Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit wet weight of biota {Venerupis (ITIS: 205646: WoRMS 138647) [Subcomponent: flesh]}
CD010363Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit wet weight of biota {Ensis arcuatus (ITIS: 81025: WoRMS 140731) [Subcomponent: flesh]}
CDDW7594Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit dry weight of biota {Squalus acanthias (ITIS: 160617: WoRMS 105923) [Subcomponent: liver]}
CDDW7595Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit dry weight of biota {Squalus acanthias (ITIS: 160617: WoRMS 105923) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue]}
CDDW8943Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit dry weight of biota {Mustelus mustelus (WoRMS 105822) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue]}
CDDW8946Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit dry weight of biota {Scyliorhinus stellaris (ITIS: 160067: WoRMS 105815) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue]}
CDDW8954Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit dry weight of biota {Chelidonichthys lucerna (ITIS: 643890: WoRMS 127262) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue]}
CDDW9061Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit dry weight of biota {Spicara smaris (ITIS: 647991: WoRMS 126830) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue]}
CDDW9062Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit dry weight of biota {Scyliorhinus stellaris (ITIS: 160067: WoRMS 105815) [Subcomponent: liver]}
CDDW9063Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit dry weight of biota {Leptocharias smithii (ITIS: 160457: WoRMS 105804) [Subcomponent: liver]}
CDDW9064Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit dry weight of biota {Mustelus mustelus (WoRMS 105822) [Subcomponent: liver]}
CDDW9162Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit dry weight of biota {Chelidonichthys lucerna (ITIS: 643890: WoRMS 127262) [Subcomponent: liver]}
CDDWCF01Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit dry weight of biota {Crassostrea gigas (ITIS: 79868: WoRMS 140656) [Subcomponent: flesh]}