Pan-European infrastructure for ocean & marine data management

P01 Vocabulary - Facet Search on Semantic Components

P01 Vocabulary - Facet Search on Semantic Components

The P01 Parameter Usage Vocabulary is based on a semantic model. This model uses a defined set of controlled vocabularies (the semantic components). The Facet Search below facilitates you to search for specific existing P01 terms using components for drilling down.

Are you missing specific P01 terms in the vocabulary, then you can compose and submit new terms for review and uptake using the P01 Vocabulary Builder tool.

Conceptid (3090)Preflabel
D15NGCSDEnrichment standard deviation of nitrogen-15 in nitrate {15N in NO3- CAS 14390-96-6} {delta(15)N} in the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by denitrification to N2O by cultured bacteria and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
D15NGCTXEnrichment of nitrogen-15 in nitrate {15N in NO3- CAS 14390-96-6} {delta(15)N} in the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by denitrification to N2O by cultured bacteria and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
D15NMTBSEnrichment of nitrogen-15 in total nitrogen {15N_in_total_N CAS 14390-96-6} {delta(15)N} in the sediment by combustion and mass spectrometry
D15NMTP1Enrichment of nitrogen-15 in total nitrogen {15N_in_total_N CAS 14390-96-6} {delta(15)N} in the water body [particulate >GF/F phase] by filtration, combustion and mass spectrometry
D15NMTPCEnrichment of nitrogen-15 in total nitrogen {15N_in_total_N CAS 14390-96-6} {delta(15)N} in the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by centrifugation, combustion and mass spectrometry
D15NMTSTEnrichment of nitrogen-15 in total nitrogen {15N_in_total_N CAS 14390-96-6} {delta(15)N} in the suspended particulate material by sediment trapping, combustion and mass spectrometry
D15NOPXXEnrichment of nitrogen-15 in total nitrogen {15N_in_total_N CAS 14390-96-6} {delta(15)N} in the water body [particulate >unknown phase]
D17OMXWTEnrichment of oxygen-17 in water molecules {17O in H2O CAS 13968-48-4} {delta(17)O} in the water body by mass spectrometry
D18OCRDSEnrichment of oxygen-18 in water molecules {18O in H2O CAS 14797-71-8} {delta(18)O} in the water body by cavity ring-down spectrometry
D18OGCSDEnrichment standard deviation of oxygen-18 in nitrate {18O in NO3- CAS 14797-71-8} {delta(18)O} in the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by denitrification to N2O by cultured bacteria and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
D18OGCTXEnrichment of oxygen-18 in nitrate {18O in NO3- CAS 14797-71-8} {delta(18)O} in the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by denitrification to N2O by cultured bacteria and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
D18OGF21Enrichment of oxygen-18 in nitrate {18O in NO3- CAS 14797-71-8} {delta(18)O} in the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate <GF/F phase] by filtration, denitrification to N2O by cultured bacteria and Continuous-Flow Isotope Ratio Mass-Spectrometry
D18OMXDGEnrichment of oxygen-18 in dissolved oxygen {18O in O2 CAS 14797-71-8} {delta(18)O} in the water body by mass spectrometry
D18OMXWTEnrichment of oxygen-18 in water molecules {18O in H2O CAS 14797-71-8} {delta(18)O} in the water body by mass spectrometry
D18OSDWTEnrichment standard deviation of oxygen-18 in water molecules {18O in H2O CAS 14797-71-8} {delta(18)O} in the water body by mass spectrometry
D18OSEDCEnrichment with respect to Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) of oxygen-18 in carbonate {18O in CO3} {delta(18)O} in the sediment by mass spectrometry
D18OWC21Enrichment of oxygen-18 in nitrate {18O in NO3- CAS 14797-71-8} {delta(18)O} in the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate <0.2um phase] by filtration, denitrification to N2O by cultured bacteria and Continuous-Flow Isotope Ratio Mass-Spectrometry
D18OWCXXEnrichment with respect to the VSMOW-SLAP scale of oxygen-18 in water molecules {18O in H2O CAS 14797-71-8} {delta(18)O} in the water body by equilibration with and cryogenic trapping of CO2 and mass spectrometry
D18OWCXYEnrichment with respect to the VSMOW-SLAP scale standard deviation of oxygen-18 in water molecules {18O in H2O CAS 14797-71-8} {delta(18)O} in the water body by equilibration with and cryogenic trapping of CO2 and mass spectrometry
D2H18OWCExcess enrichment (with respect to 18O) of deuterium (in water molecules) {2H CAS 7782-39-0} in the water body by calculation from 18O and 2H enrichment
D2HBCRDSEnrichment of deuterium in water molecules {2H in H2O CAS 7782-39-0} {delta D or delta(2)H} in the water body by cavity ring-down spectrometry
D2HWCC01Enrichment with respect to the VSMOW-SLAP scale of deuterium in water molecules {2H in H2O CAS 7782-39-0} {delta D or delta(2)H} in the water body by high temperature reduction in contact with carbon and mass spectrometry
D2HWCIXXEnrichment with respect to the VSMOW-SLAP scale of deuterium in water molecules {2H in H2O CAS 7782-39-0} {delta D or delta(2)H} in the water body by high temperature reduction in contact with zinc and mass spectrometry
D30SIMS1Enrichment of silicon-30 {30Si} {delta(30)Si} in the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate <0.2um phase] by filtration, acidification, pre-concentration, ion-exchange chromatography and inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry