Pan-European infrastructure for ocean & marine data management

P01 Vocabulary - Facet Search on Semantic Components

P01 Vocabulary - Facet Search on Semantic Components

The P01 Parameter Usage Vocabulary is based on a semantic model. This model uses a defined set of controlled vocabularies (the semantic components). The Facet Search below facilitates you to search for specific existing P01 terms using components for drilling down.

Are you missing specific P01 terms in the vocabulary, then you can compose and submit new terms for review and uptake using the P01 Vocabulary Builder tool.

Conceptid (100)Preflabel
FCBIOL12Biomass as carbon of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body by flow cytometry
FL01XX01Length (fork length) of biological entity specified elsewhere
HELCCVRGCoverage (HELCOM COMBINE) of biological entity specified elsewhere on the bed
LGPIXEL1Length (expressed as pixels) of biological entity specified elsewhere
LIDYXX01Concentration of lipids per unit dry weight of biota {biological entity specified elsewhere}
LIWTXX01Concentration of lipids per unit wet weight of biota {biological entity specified elsewhere}
LSTAGE01Development stage of biological entity specified elsewhere
MAOCCB11Mass of organic carbon {organic_C CAS 7440-44-0} {cellular carbon content} per cell of biota {biological entity specified elsewhere}
N15BTX01Enrichment of nitrogen-15 {15N CAS 14390-96-6} {delta(15)N} in biota {biological entity specified elsewhere} by mass spectrometry
NCOLIVXXCount of colonial individuals per colony of biological entity specified elsewhere
NTDYXX01Concentration of nitrogen {N} per unit dry weight of biota {biological entity specified elsewhere}
NUSTBEXXNutritional status category of biological entity specified elsewhere
OBSINDDMDiameter of biological entity specified elsewhere
OBSINDLXLength of biological entity specified elsewhere
OBSINESDEquivalent spherical diameter of biological entity specified elsewhere
OBSINRADRadius of biological entity specified elsewhere
OBSMAXLXLength maximum of biological entity specified elsewhere
OBSMINLXLength minimum of biological entity specified elsewhere
OCOUNT01Count of biological entity specified elsewhere
ODRYBM01Dry weight biomass (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere
OWETBM01Wet weight biomass (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere
PBBIOTUKConcentration of lead {Pb CAS 7439-92-1} per unit wet weight of biota {biological entity specified elsewhere}
PCOV7736Proportion coverage of biological entity specified elsewhere within a given area of the bed
PCOVRCK1Proportion coverage of biological entity specified elsewhere on the rock
PRESABS1Presence or absence of biological entity specified elsewhere by using 0 or 1 binary classification