Pan-European infrastructure for ocean & marine data management

P01 Vocabulary - Facet Search on Semantic Components

P01 Vocabulary - Facet Search on Semantic Components

The P01 Parameter Usage Vocabulary is based on a semantic model. This model uses a defined set of controlled vocabularies (the semantic components). The Facet Search below facilitates you to search for specific existing P01 terms using components for drilling down.

Are you missing specific P01 terms in the vocabulary, then you can compose and submit new terms for review and uptake using the P01 Vocabulary Builder tool.

Conceptid (1049)Preflabel
D15NMTBSEnrichment of nitrogen-15 in total nitrogen {15N_in_total_N CAS 14390-96-6} {delta(15)N} in the sediment by combustion and mass spectrometry
D18OSEDCEnrichment with respect to Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) of oxygen-18 in carbonate {18O in CO3} {delta(18)O} in the sediment by mass spectrometry
ECH4VSEDEnrichment with respect to Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) of carbon-13 in methane {13C in CH4 CAS 14762-74-4} {delta(13)C} in the sediment by mass spectrometry
ECH4VSSDEnrichment with respect to Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) standard deviation of carbon-13 in methane {13C in CH4 CAS 14762-74-4} {delta(13)C} in the sediment by mass spectrometry
EKPRXX03Photosynthesis light saturation index in the sediment by multiple turnover pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry and PvI curve analysis
EOPTXX01Photosynthesis optimum irradiance (PAR wavelengths) in the sediment by multiple turnover pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry and PvI curve analysis
INTDIS4RIntegration depth (sulphate reduction rate) in the sediment
ISMA1503Proportion (in organic carbon) of lignin phenols in the sediment
ISMJUN01Atomic ratio of organic carbon/nitrogen {Corg/N} in the sediment
MLITCNTSCount of micro-litter particles in the sediment by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol
MLITCOLSColour class of micro-litter particles in the sediment by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol
MLITPOLSPolymer type of micro-litter particles in the sediment by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol
MLITROPSTransparency class of micro-litter particles in the sediment by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol
MLITSHPSShape class of micro-litter particles in the sediment by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol
MLITSIZSSize class of micro-litter particles in the sediment by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol
MLITTYPSType class of micro-litter particles in the sediment by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol
NA2GP002Proportion by dry weight of particles (400-500um) in the sediment
NA2GP003Proportion by dry weight of particles (5000-20000um) in the sediment
NA2GP004Proportion by dry weight of particles (50-80um) in the sediment
NA2GP005Proportion by dry weight of particles (800-1000um) in the sediment
NA2GP007Proportion by dry weight of particles (>4000um) in the sediment
NA2GP008Proportion by dry weight of particles (63-160um) in the sediment
NA2GP009Proportion by dry weight of particles (12500-25000um) in the sediment
NA2GP010Proportion by dry weight of particles (13000-16000um) in the sediment